Frequently asked questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.
- FAQ: DeployHQ and DeployBot Merger
- How can I change my connected Slack account?
- How can I deploy using tags?
- How can I deploy with conditional build commands?
- Using Bun with the Build Pipeline
- How can I redeploy an old commit?
- How can I rename a project?
- How can I run sudo commands during a deployment?
- How can I run the DeployHQ agent automatically on my server during startup?
- How can I set the correct timezone for my account and user profile?
- How can I speed up deployments with build pipelines?
- How do I connect to a different account with my repository host?
- How do I execute build commands using files from a different directory?
- How do I restart an aborted deployment?
- How do I set up a custom domain?
- How do I setup my shared directory for zero downtime deployments?
- How do I transfer my DeployHQ project to another another account?
- How do I upload my project's public SSH key to my authorized_keys file?
- How do I use .gitignore files within DeployHQ?
- Which IP addresses should I allow through my firewall?
- Why am I receiving email notifications?
- How do I change deployment zone?
- Using Rust on the Build Pipeline
- How do I install a custom version of NodeJS
- How does DeployHQ determine which files to upload after each build?
- How do I apply a discount coupon in DeployHQ?
- How can I run SSH commands without uploading files in a deployment?
- How can I set up deployments to ECS or EKS?