
Deploying to 1984 with DeployHQ

Deploying to your Wordpress site hosted with 1984 is simple with DeployHQ. This guide will walk you through the process.

Setting up your project

Head to the Projects screen in DeployHQ, then click the New Project button to get started. You'll be prompted to enter a name for your project, then select where your repository is hosted. Next, click Create project and you'll be taken to a screen where you can log in with your repository hosting account to authorize access and then choose your repository.

Repository Links:

Setting up your 1984.is server

Once you've configured your repository, you'll need to connect to your 1984.is server. Head to Servers & Groups, and click the New Server button at the top of the screen.

Start by entering a name, and choosing SSH/SFTP as the protocol.

To find your SSH credentials:

  1. Log into your 1984.is Control Panel
  2. Navigate to "Servers" or "Instances" section
  3. Select your specific server
  4. Go to "Access" or "SSH Keys" settings
  5. Generate or view SSH credentials

Important 1984.is SSH Access Notes:

  • SSH access is standard for 1984.is Servers
  • Steps to enable SSH:
    • Log into 1984.is Control Panel
    • Create or modify security groups
    • Ensure SSH (port 22) is allowed
    • Add SSH key to your instance
  • Use SSH keys for enhanced security
  • Two-factor authentication recommended

Typical 1984.is Server Formats:

  • Server Instance: xx.xx.xx.xx (IP address)
  • Hostname: your-server-name.1984.is

You can use an SSH key instead of a password by taking the SSH key in your DeployHQ server configuration page and pasting it in your 1984.is server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Connection Troubleshooting:

  • Verify security group allows SSH
  • Confirm correct IP or hostname
  • Ensure you're using the correct username (typically ubuntu or root)
  • Check network security settings
  • Validate credentials in 1984.is console

Typical Wordpress Path:

  • Standard Deployment: /var/www/yourdomain/
  • WordPress Specific: /var/www/yourdomain/wordpress/
  • Web Root: /var/www/yourdomain/htdocs/

Within Deployment options, you can choose to automatically deploy your server and specify a Deployment subdirectory if needed.

Run your first deployment

By default, DeployHQ will upload the whole repository to your server on the first deployment. Helpful Deployment Guides:

Further reading

DeployHQ features to enhance your Wordpress deployments:

Want to learn more about deployment or Wordpress? Check out our documentation or contact our support team for assistance.


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