
Deploy with Slack and DeployHQ

Deploy your projects instantly from Slack using the DeployHQ bot. Simply type `/deployhq deploy` and watch your code go live – saving you time and clicks.

Start deployments with a slash command

Now you don’t need to log into DeployHQ to start a manual deployment.

Starting a deployment in the DeployHQ interface doesn’t take long, however wouldn’t it be nice if you could deploy your project by simply typing /deployhq deploy in Slack?

We certainly thought so, and that’s why we created the DeployHQ Slack Bot.

Install in a matter of minutes

Setting up the DeployHQ Slack Bot is super, super easy!

Setting up the DeployHQ Slack app couldn’t be easier, you simply need to create a Slack notification in one of your projects, which will install our app into your workspace. Once that’s complete you can use our Slack app to deploy any projects on your account!

For more information, read the installation instructions article in our support centre.

Use securely with powerful permissions

Ensure that only the right members of your team can deploy.

After adding the Slack Bot to your company’s workspace on Slack, every member of your team will need to connect their DeployHQ user account with their Slack account.

The Slack Bot will use the permission settings you’ve already configured in your DeployHQ account to work out whether or not someone can deploy your project.


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