WordPlate & DeployHQ: A Comprehensive Guide
This guide will walk you through setting up and using WordPlate, a modern WordPress boilerplate, and DeployHQ, an automated deployment tool. We'll also use Volta to manage Node.js versions, ensuring consistency across development environments.
WordPlate: Modern WordPress Development
WordPlate is a WordPress boilerplate that simplifies the setup process and provides a more structured approach to WordPress development.
- Volta: For managing Node.js versions
- Composer: PHP dependency manager
- PHP: Version 7.4 or higher
Installing Volta
Volta manages Node.js versions efficiently. Install it with:
curl https://get.volta.sh | bash
Restart your terminal after installation.
Setting Up WordPlate
1) Create a new WordPlate project:
composer create-project vinkla/wordplate your-project-name
This command creates a new directory with your project name and installs WordPlate and its dependencies.
2) Navigate to your new project directory:
cd your-project-name
3) Use Volta to set and pin the Node.js version:
volta pin node@14
4) Install JavaScript dependencies:
npm install
1) Copy the .env.example
file to .env
cp .env.example .env
2) Update the .env
file with your database and other configuration details:
3) Generate WordPress salts:
composer run-script salts
This updates your .env
file with secure salt values.
Development Workflow
WordPlate uses Laravel Mix for asset compilation. Start your development server:
npm run watch
For production builds:
npm run build
Customizing WordPlate
Adding Custom Post Types
In public/themes/wordplate/post-types/example.php
add_action('init', function () {
register_post_type('example', [
'labels' => [
'name' => __('Examples'),
'singular_name' => __('Example'),
'public' => true,
'has_archive' => true,
'supports' => ['title', 'editor', 'thumbnail'],
Creating a Custom Shortcode
In public/themes/wordplate/shortcodes/example.php
add_shortcode('example', function ($atts, $content = null) {
$atts = shortcode_atts([
'class' => 'default-class',
], $atts);
return sprintf('<div class="%s">%s</div>', esc_attr($atts['class']), $content);
DeployHQ: Streamlined Deployment
DeployHQ automates the deployment process from your Git repository to your servers.
Setting Up DeployHQ
- Sign up for a DeployHQ account
- Create a new project and connect your Git repository
- Add your server details (SSH or SFTP access required)
Configuring Deployments
- In the DeployHQ dashboard, go to your project settings
- Set up deployment commands in the Build Pipeline:
composer install --no-dev
volta run npm install
volta run npm run build
These commands ensure dependencies are installed and assets are built on each deployment.
Automatic Deployments
- Push changes to your Git repository
- DeployHQ detects changes and initiates deployment
- Monitor deployment progress in the DeployHQ dashboard
Integrating WordPlate and DeployHQ
- Develop locally using WordPlate
- Commit and push changes to your Git repository
- DeployHQ automatically deploys changes to your server
This workflow allows for rapid development and consistent deployments.
By combining WordPlate, Volta, and DeployHQ, you create a powerful, modern WordPress development and deployment workflow. WordPlate provides a structured and efficient way to set up WordPress projects, Volta ensures consistent Node.js versions across your team, and DeployHQ automates the deployment process, allowing you to focus on writing code and creating great WordPress sites.
Remember to always refer to the official WordPlate documentation for the most up-to-date information on configuration and best practices.
Want to learn more about deployment or Wordpress? Check out our documentation or contact our support team for assistance.