
What is a Build Script?

Devops & Infrastructure, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials, and What Is

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Build scripts are essential tools in modern software deployment, automating crucial steps in the build and deployment process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore what build scripts are, how to create them, and how to effectively implement them in your deployment workflow using DeployHQ.

1. Introduction

In today's fast-paced development environment, automation is key to maintaining efficient and reliable deployment processes. Build scripts play a crucial role in this automation, handling everything from dependency installation to asset compilation. Whether you're deploying a simple static website or a complex web application, understanding build scripts can significantly improve your deployment workflow.

2. What is a Build Script?

A build script is a set of instructions that automates the process of preparing your application for deployment. It's essentially a sequence of commands that perform various tasks necessary to build and package your application.

Key components typically include:

  • Environment setup
  • Dependency management
  • Asset compilation
  • Testing procedures
  • Optimisation tasks

The primary benefits of using build scripts include:

  • Consistency across deployments
  • Reduced human error
  • Time savings
  • Reproducible builds
  • Automated quality control

3. Common Build Script Operations

Build scripts typically handle several key operations:

Dependency Installation:

npm install
composer install
bundle install

Asset Compilation:

npm run build
webpack --production
sass --compile assets/styles:public/css


npm run test

Optimisation Tasks:

uglifyjs app.js -o app.min.js
imagemin images/* -o build/images

4. Creating Your First Build Script

Creating a build script starts with understanding your application's requirements. Here's a basic example for a Node.js application build.sh:


# Exit on error
set -e

# Install dependencies
echo "Installing dependencies..."
npm install

# Run tests
echo "Running tests..."
npm run test

# Build assets
echo "Building assets..."
npm run build

# Clean up
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm -rf node_modules/.cache

echo "Build completed successfully!"

5. Best Practices for Build Scripts

When creating build scripts, follow these best practices:


  • Keep scripts modular
  • Use clear, descriptive names
  • Include comments for complex operations
  • Maintain consistent formatting

Error Handling:

set -e  # Exit on error
trap 'echo "Error: Command failed"' ERR

# Wrap critical operations in error checking
if ! npm install; then
    echo "Failed to install dependencies"
    exit 1


# Add timestamps to logs
log() {
    echo "[$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] $1"

log "Starting build process..."

6. Using Build Scripts in DeployHQ

DeployHQ makes it easy to integrate build scripts into your deployment workflow:

  1. Navigate to your project settings
  2. Select "Build Settings"
  3. Enable build script
  4. Enter your script commands

Example configuration:

# DeployHQ Build Script, uses node LTS
npm install
npm run build

7. Advanced Build Script Features

Conditional Execution:

if [ "$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT" = "production" ]; then
    npm run build:prod
    npm run build:dev

Environment Variables:

export NODE_ENV=production

8. Real-World Examples

Node.js Application:

set -e

# Load NVM
source $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm use 16

# Install dependencies
npm ci

# Run tests
npm run test

# Build application
npm run build

# Clean up
rm -rf node_modules/.cache

React Application:

set -e

# Install dependencies
npm ci

# Run linting
npm run lint

# Run tests
npm run test

# Build for production
npm run build

# Optimize images
npm run optimize-images

# Generate sitemap
npm run generate-sitemap

9. Troubleshooting and Debug Tips

Common Issues and Solutions:

Permission Errors:

# Add executable permissions
chmod +x build.sh

# Run with specific user
sudo -u deployer ./build.sh

Memory Issues:

# Increase Node.js memory limit
export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096"

Debug Logging:

# Enable verbose output
set -x

# Log environment variables
env | sort

# Time commands
time npm install

10. Conclusion

Build scripts are powerful tools that can significantly improve your deployment workflow. By following the best practices and examples outlined in this guide, you can create efficient, reliable build scripts that automate your deployment process effectively.

Key takeaways:

  • Always include error handling
  • Use proper logging
  • Keep scripts modular and maintainable
  • Test scripts thoroughly before production use
  • Leverage DeployHQ's built-in features

11. Additional Resources

For more information, check out:

Remember that build scripts should be treated as living documents, regularly updated and maintained to reflect changes in your application and deployment requirements. With proper implementation and maintenance, build scripts can significantly improve your deployment workflow and reduce the likelihood of deployment-related issues.

This guide should give you a solid foundation for creating and implementing build scripts in your deployment process. As you become more comfortable with build scripts, you can explore more advanced features and optimisations to further improve your deployment workflow.

This post is part of our "What Is" series, helping developers understand key concepts and methodologies in modern software development.

A little bit about the author

Facundo is the CTO at DeployHQ. He oversees our software engineering team by day and, in his free time, enjoys hobbies such as cycling, spending time in nature, and the company of Bono 🐶


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