
Build Pipeline - language version updates

New Features

We've just pushed an update across our build infrastructure that contains a number of upgrades to the supported languages and tools.


  • Go 1.17 has been upgraded to 1.17.3
  • Go 1.18 has been upgraded to 1.18.10
  • Go 1.19 has been upgraded to 1.19.13
  • Go 1.20 has been upgraded to 1.20.8


  • PHP 8.0 has been upgraded to 8.0.30
  • PHP 8.1 has been upgraded to 8.1.23
  • PHP 8.2 has been upgraded to 8.2.10


  • Python 3.10 has been upgraded to 3.10.13
  • Python 3.11 has been upgraded to 3.11.1


  • Node 18 has been upgraded to 18.17.1


  • Ruby 3.1 has been upgraded to 3.1.4

A little bit about the author

I'm Adam W, or as everyone prefers to call me - Batman. I get a lot of satisfaction out of helping our customers and am committed to making their customer experience as positive as possible. When not offering support to our customers, you'll find me gaming, listening to music or running.


Proudly powered by Katapult. Running on 100% renewable energy.