
Branch Switching

New Features

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One of our most popular feature requests has been rolled out today - the ability to switch branches when starting a new deployment!

Whilst we have always had the option to update the branch in a server's settings, a number of users have asked for the ability to be able to update it straight from the new deployment screen.

If for example you're deploying code to your development server from a number of feature branches, you'll be able to do this even more easily now.

When you come to run a new deployment, you'll now see a branch dropdown just below your server selection:

Branch Switching

Once you've selected a branch the end commit will be populated with the latest commit in that new branch. You'll also be able to check the option to Use this branch for future deployments to this server to save the new branch straight to your server.

As always, please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

A little bit about the author

Adam W. | Customer Support Specialist | Krystal | Exceptional Customer Experience - Known as "Batman" to colleagues and customers, Adam is dedicated to providing exceptional customer support at Krystal. Committed to positive customer experiences. Enjoys gaming, music, and running.


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