Already using DeployHQ?


Deploying a website shouldn’t need a PhD in writing config files!

We make it super easy to deploy your websites from Git, SVN and Mercurial repositories to your very own servers.

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Deploying Magic Bean Emporium Website…
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Easy to get up and running

DeployHQ handles all the hard work getting files from your repositories to your servers. This is how it works and the secrets behind the magic. It’s really as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Connect your repository

    Link your GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab or self-hosted repositories directly to us.

  2. Configure your recipe

    Set up servers, config files, build commands and any other configuration.

    Read more about our features

  3. Deploy your code!

    Hit Deploy and watch your code get shipped out to your servers. You can also, optionally, configure code to be deployed automatically whenever you push to your repositories - very handy!

A wealth of powerful features & tools are waiting for you

These are just some of the great things that are waiting for you when you sign up for DeployHQ.

Choose any of these features to read more information.


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